
Cromaplast S.p.A. is committed to promoting sustainability in all its forms, from respect for people to attention to the environment. We work daily to create a positive impact on people, communities, and the planet. We integrate sustainability into the heart of our operations, focusing on people, waste, and CO2 emissions reduction.

We commit ourselves

Cromaplast S.p.A. is committed to pursuing some of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), identifying and pursuing SDGs that reflect our values and priorities. Through a series of targeted initiatives, we strive to promote sustainable growth, inclusive economies, and a better future for all.


Health and Well-being


Gender Equality


Decent Work and Economic Growth


Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure

SDG 10

Reduced Inequalities

SDG 12

Responsible Production and Consumption


Health and Well-being


Gender Equality


Decent Work and Economic Growth


Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure

SDG 10

Reduced Inequalities

SDG 12

Responsible Production and Consumption

Reduction of CO2 emissions

Our goals regarding emissions.

Emissions are directly linked to energy and how it is generated, whether it be electrical or thermal energy. The societal transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy is a significant step towards a more sustainable society.

One of our main objectives is to focus on climate protection (SDG 13). We set ambitious goals.
For years, we have been working to reduce our CO2 emissions, aiming to maintain a trend of -1% emissions each year since 2020.
Through a series of targeted initiatives and investments, we are constantly working to reduce the environmental impact of our operations.

riduzione co2 cromaplast spa
re-duce re-use re-cycle cromaplast spa

Responsible Waste Management

Cromaplast S.p.A. is committed to promoting responsible production and consumption by adopting sustainable practices in all stages of our product lifecycle. We strive to reduce waste, optimize resource usage, and promote material recycling and reuse, thus contributing to mitigating the environmental impact of our operations.

In our commitment to sustainable production, we responsibly manage manufacturing waste. Since 2019, we have initiated numerous research activities to recover manufacturing waste according to circular economy principles, minimizing our environmental footprint.

We actively engage in reducing, reusing, and recycling materials to maximize their value. For example, wood is returned to new wood, paper and cardboard are recycled back into paper and cardboard, and cans are given a new lease of life.

Our waste management philosophy also includes the potential reuse of productive materials in other processes. We invest in technologies that reduce overall environmental impact.

In our commitment to sustainable waste management, we pay particular attention to the waste from the chrome plating plant. We employ advanced technologies to clean and filter waste, ensuring that the surrounding environment remains protected and that unused materials are reused responsibly. We have installed high-efficiency filtration systems to capture any harmful substances and minimize the environmental impact of our production process.

Well-being of People

Cromaplast S.p.A. is committed to promoting the health and well-being of its employees through corporate wellness programs, workplace safety policies, and access to quality healthcare. We strive to ensure a safe and healthy work environment, promote healthy lifestyles, and preventing workplace illnesses. (SDG 3)

benesse persone in cromaplast spa

Diversity and Inclusion

Diversità ed inclusione Cromaplast spa

Cromaplast S.p.A. is committed to promoting gender equality in all its operations, ensuring equal growth and development opportunities for all employees, regardless of gender. We believe that diversity is our strength (SDG 5). With 52% of our workforce composed of women and 30% of managerial positions held by women, we actively strive to create a fair and inclusive work environment. We support parental leave and fight against the gender gap, promoting growth and development opportunities for all our employees.

Youth Employment and Educational Commitment

Cromaplast spa
Young people are our future, and we welcome them enthusiastically into our team. With an average employee age of up to 39 years, we are committed to providing meaningful job opportunities and supporting the professional growth of our young talents. Additionally, we strive to promote integration between school and work, internships, apprenticeships, work-study programs, and open our company’s doors with school open days. We support youth employment and strive to reduce any gender disparities in all our operations.

Social Responsibility

Responsabilità sociale Cromaplast spa
Social responsibility is at the core of everything we do. From ethical principles to respect for human rights, including the application of national collective agreements, protection of child labor and young workers, women’s rights, and non-discrimination; we ask all our suppliers and customers to adopt a responsible approach to conserve natural resources, reduce environmental impact, reduce or eliminate waste production, and orient their actions towards the well-being of the land and spaces of the community that surrounds us.